In like a lion, out like a lamb. Remember that saying? March is supposed to be like that - start with the snow we've put up with all this time, but then obediently transform itself. The storms are supposed to get a little wimpier every time, the sun stronger, the days longer, and by the end of the month there should be crocuses poking up happily from the last tiny bits of snow.
So who ordered this mess? Look at it out there! Looming mounds of snow piled up as far as the eye can see, storm after storm (with a little freezing rain to spice things up), and no sign of spring anywhere on the horizon! It's enough to make you want to scream.
March is a test of patience for everyone in the northern lands, to be sure. Spring is so, so close in our minds, it just seems wrong that to look out window and not see it. We're sick of snow and blasting winds and grey days. We're starving for green - remember green? That sweet, light green of new grass and leaves unfurling? Sigh.
March isn't an easy month to like. Too often it's unreliable and annoying, like the friend who's always late. It never behaves the way you want it to: it teases us with one sunny day, then slams us with a blizzard or two. It just won't listen to reason or deadlines.
It occurred to me today, when I got up and looked out the window at the same old winter view, that it's time I faced the fact that as much as I hate it, March has a few lessons to teach me, and I'd better start listening.
With every snowstorm or blast of wind or drop in the temperature, March reminds me that the world doesn't revolve around me and what I want. It makes me remember just how small I am. In that swirling snow, what I want and how I feel doesn't make a bit of difference. That storm is just inside my own head.
I'm powerless (and you are, too - sorry about that) to do one thing about the weather. Spring will come in its own darn good time, and the only thing I have even a shred of control over is my attitude. Humph. I have to admit, very reluctantly, that March may have a point.
So I guess today when I put on my winter clothes and coat yet again, maybe I'll have to try to rummage in my closet and find some gratitude and patience. I've got a roof over my head and warm food for my belly, and even some kindly people to sip coffee and complain about the weather with, and that's a lot more than some folks have.
The spring will be here in its own good time. Until then, we'll just have to put up with whatever life hands us.
And maybe learn a little on the way.
So so true Heather!