Well, it's here again. This one day, in the long circle around the sun, that marks the day you came into the world.
Like anything that matters, it came at a cost. Your mother groaned and pushed while inside you made the arduous journey inch by inch, but finally the moment came: you slid into the light, crunched your tiny fists against your eyes, opened your mouth and announced your arrival in a voice that had never been heard on this planet before. You were here.
And what a life it's been. Those early years, learning to walk and talk. Your mind growing and flourishing. The fierce joy of discovering your passions and skills and claiming who you want to be. The long procession of people in your life, with all the paths you've walked together.
Just think of all you've been through: all the joys and trials, the love and loss. It's like a strange, wonderful banquet table of bitter and sweet, stretching back over the years.
And just look at you. In a world of 8 billion people, there's no one else like you! You face has changed, shaped like rocks carved by the steady wind, but you're still in there. Yet never think you're alone: you're surrounded by a huge family who are a lot like you.
You're still in the light for another day, and what a gift that is.
Oh, I know, it's hard. Sometimes life seems to ask more than you can give. But be thankful anyway, in spite of - because of - everything, the hard and the joyful and the sweet and the bitter, this long meal of stews and flowers and thistles that's been your life.
Light the candles on a cake, take a deep breath of that precious air, blow them out and watch the smoke rise. We'll sing for you, and clap and laugh and shout hooray for you, and tell you again how much you matter.
So here's to every one of us on our birthdays. Go out and claim this day you're blessed with. Wear that loud shirt from the back of your closet. Order the double espresso. Buy a lottery ticket. Tell someone you love them. Step out into this next day of your one precious life.
You're the flame; someday you'll become the smoke. Now go out and burn and light up the world for another day!
I love the exhoration to 'claim the day!" That's exactly how I feel about aging. I claim it and am happy to number the years. Thanks for a great essay. Happy Thanksgiving.
thx Heather