Today I'm going to do something daring. I'm going to put the world on pause. I'm not going to turn on the news or scroll through the headlines, not even once.
For weeks I've been anxious and horrified, checking the headlines every few hours to see what new bombshell has been dropped out in Washington. Every day seems to bring a barrage of horrible news: a cascade of headlines that has me saying over and over, "But, he can't do that, can he?" Every day there's a new proclamation or a new takeover as the new president takes a sledgehammer to our government with no one, it seems, to stop him.
But still, I'm going to stop today and let silence have its way. The world, with all its worry and panic, will certainly be there when I come back. On this quiet day, I'm going to stop and let silence take over, and see what happens to my mind and my soul.
I'm going to take some quiet breaths. Let them fill me, over and over; and remember to be grateful for the simple fact that I'm alive, this moment, this day, and I have this day to live, as a gift.
I'll make some quiet meals, simple meals, and savor them, and as I do, I'll remember to feel grateful for the food on my table and to pray for the many people who don't know where their next meal will come from.
I'll stand at the window and watch the birds at the feeder, and give thanks for the roof over my head. I'll send a prayer for the people who are struggling to find a place to sleep tonight.
Perhaps I'll read a book or listen to some music.
I'll call my family today, and we'll talk and laugh together, and I'll savor hearing their voices.
Tomorrow I'll go back to it all, and I'll do what I can, in my own small way, to help. I'll make some phone calls to my senators, throw my small weight into the struggle, write some letters. Tomorrow there will be time for marches and signs and action to save this country that I love.
It's been a hard, hard week. These are difficult times, and it's easy to feel overwhelmed. Today, this one precious day, take time to rest. You need it.